Log in

Log in


How Do I Log-in?

The Member Log-in icon is located at the top right corner, on all pages of the website. 

It's the little blue head -- the universal symbol for 'personalization' on the internet.

The word 'LOGIN' appears below the icon. 

Once you log in, you will see a full club menu and your personal options and events.

Click the  Log-in icon ONCE.

What happens after I click Log In?

When the log-in pop up shows, enter your email address and password. 

If you forgot your password, click "Forgot password."  The system will immediately  send you a password reset email. Follow those instructions to reset your password.

(There's more info on resetting passwords, lower down on this page.)

Back to logging in tips: If you don't like the little pop-up screen, or the pop-up screen isn't showing up (pop-ups may be disabled on your browser), just click the blue "LOG IN" button without entering anything. This option will present a full Log-in page.

What's the full page login?

This is what the full page login looks like.

You are offered the option to use Facebook or Google to log you in. But please skip this step and use the Wild Apricot log-in on the right. (It will cause more problems down the road if you're not logged into Facebook or Google.)

It makes things easier when you forget your password... which brings us to....

Resetting your password

Forgot your password? After you hit the 'reset' button you will be asked to type 6 odd-looking 'Captcha' characters to prove you are human, not a bot.

Trouble reading the characters? You can generate a fresh code using the 'refresh' button on the right, or have the characters spoken to you with the audio button. 

More trouble-shooting on resetting your password

In the automated email you receive to reset your password, you will be sent  a link to click on.

That link expires after a certain period of the time. Delete this email after your password is reset, and do not attempt to re-use this link, for security reasons. (Re-use might lock you out the account.)

Type:  into your browser bar, or Google the club name, or make a bookmark to the site. 

What is the Password Format?

The password you create must be:

  • Minimum of 7 characters
  • Maximum of 50 characters
  • Any combination of letters, numbers and characters (except spaces)

Your password is case sensitive. It is a good practice to create a strong password to maintain the security of all members' personal information.  A strong password is a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols (@, #, $, %, etc.), and the longer it is the stronger it is. 

Make your password memorable for you, but not too easy for others to figure out.

How Do I Change My Password?

To change your password, you must already be logged in.

Click the log-in icon ONCE.  Your name will be presented in a small box.  Click the Change password link to change your password.

It is good practice to change your password periodically.

I'm on the waitlist, why am I  being asked to log in?

Applicants on the wait list can also log onto the website and can update their profiles (address, phone number, etc). However, wait-listers will not be allowed access to membership pages and calendars. Those you will see when full membership is granted.  So remember that password! Thanks.  

   TECH

Once you're 

logged in ...

For a more in-depth look at the EYPC website, these tech tip pages are available to full members, after you've logged in:

This page includes a video walk-thru for newcomers of some key website functions.  New members will discover how to manage their invitations and events, and existing members might discover some new tricks such as 'add to calendar.'


Signed up for an event and your plans have changed for the day? This page tells you how to cancel your registration for events.


How to upload you fun photos, from your phone to the website's gallery


For convenors & website admins, a guide to creating simple and advanced events, and a request form if you would like assistance creating your events.

Quick links:

  Member directory - to find another member's email and phone number

  My Profile -  To edit your own profile, add your photo, and join or leave activity group email lists.

  Events Calendar - To discover new, upcoming activities

  The Wild Apricot Apps - Apps for your mobile phone that allow you to sign up for events and manage your calendar. On Android and iOS. 



Meets the third Wednesday each month, 1:15 pm

 🇨🇦  PROBUS canada
Fellowship Friendship and Fun - Retired and Loving It

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